Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Diabetes and Dark Chocolate

Dr. Gordon Pederson, Board Certified Anti Aging Medicine,
Ph D. in Toxicology, Naturopathic Dr.

Here is some great news!

Pederson talks about some health issues and how Healthy Chocolate can improve the situation.
These are straight forward, short videos that can explain a lot!

Healthy Chocolate & Improved Immunity Video
Healthy Chocolate & Diabetes
Healthy Chocolate & the Brain Video 
Healthy Chocolate & Polyphenols & Flavinoids Video
Healthy Chocolate & Heart Health Video

If you have a health issue, let's talk about it and see if upping your antioxidants makes sense.

Coach Winning

Avatar Builder Test Runs

So I got all excited about Avatar Builder App and started building up some videos.  Here's what I've come up with so far.  What do y...