Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July Fireworks & PTSD's

Veterans &Fireworks  

Not always a positive combination.  Especially as many soldiers have been on multiple tours and have had little in the way of help on returning home.  And since this holiday is all about making loud noises, why not have a tool you can use to provide some relief for the stress.  PSTec is the perfect way to take the sting out of the sudden booms of M80's, bangs of the fire crackers, and whine of the Piccalo Petes you hear.

MSNBC as well as many other news agencies have been talking about the stress fireworks creates for our Veterans and suggests ways to change the holiday plans but wouldn't it be much better to be able to diffuse the pain from the original memories rather than try to change the holiday?

If there was a great way to say thank you to a Veteran, a free download of the PSTec click tracks to help ease their discomfort might be the very best thank you anyone could privide.

Below is a brief explanation of the PSTec with links to share and the ability to learn more. 

If you have any questions or would like help in this area, I would be more than happy to lend a hand.  I am a certified PSSTEC Practitioner and really want to help get the word out about this incredibly powerful program.

Thanks, and have a Happy 4th of July, Stress free with PSTec.

Feel free to leave a comment and let others know about this free program.

Joy Winning

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