Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My ANTS are Gone

All the Automatic Negative Thoughts are no longer present when I wake up.  I just don't have that on going critic, who always evaluated my every move, riding in my head anymore.

It is a whole new world because of PSTec, a Free technique, that takes less than 10 minutes to listen to.

I've been listening to the click tracks for just over a month now, and find life is so much easier now.  Even making dinner is less of a drag because I don't have the judgements in my head anymore.

Remember PSTec is absolutely free to access and can help with almost any emotional feeling.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Son's Latest Success!

Last night I asked my son to use the PSTec over a highly emotional issue that has gone on for several years with someone in the neighborhood.  He did and tapped a rich vein of emotion.  He did not do the click track more than one time.

Ever since I can remember our son has always gotten a hive-like skin rash when he plays outside or exerts himself.  So this evening he went outside to play basketball.  After the game he had more energy so he ran around the house 10 times and then around the block.  He seemed more energetic, in a good way, so when he came inside I called him over to see how he looked.

He had no sign of hives, mottled skin or blotchiness anywhere on his body.  This is the first time in 10 years I've ever seen his skin that clear.   I don't know for sure, but I believe it's because of the PSTec and I am so thrilled.

Bless you Tim P. for this wonderful tool.

Don't Be Surprised

You may get some emotional release with this PSTec. 

As with most modalities, if you are working on healing something you will most likely put your focus on it and that might bring up some emotions.  I keep a tissue handy and keep the door closed so I won't be disturbed when I am listening to the click tracks.  That way I get the most out of each session and really notice a difference when I am finished.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I have been in the personal development field for over 20 years and researched more healing modalities than I care to admit.  PSTec has been the MOST EFFECTIVE tool I have ever run across and I love the price!

Most of you who know me know how frugal I am and that I like to do my own therapy.  So if you're like me, you'll find that PSTec is perfect for you because you can get it for free, you listen on your own headphones, you do it in your spare time, and it works in a well thought out manner using the following tools to root out the most stubborn problems:
  • Conditioned Response
  • Pattern Interrupts
  • Anchoring
  • Neurology and
  • Extended Suggestions
Tim Phizackerley has done such an incredible job of putting together an excellent tool, I strongly recommend you give it a try. 

Coach Joy Winning

Avatar Builder Test Runs

So I got all excited about Avatar Builder App and started building up some videos.  Here's what I've come up with so far.  What do y...